InPinterest Engineering BlogbyPinterest EngineeringSecurely Scaling Big Data Access Controls At PinterestSoam Acharya | Data Engineering Oversight; Keith Regier | Data Privacy Engineering ManagerJul 25, 20231Jul 25, 20231
Jan KammerathHow Kubernetes And Kafka Will Get You FiredKubernetes and Kafka: dream team or horror show? Not every business can afford running Kubernetes and Kafka. Think twice before…Apr 19, 202365Apr 19, 202365
InThirdAI BlogbyAnshuNeural Databases: A Next Generation Context Retrieval System for Building Specialized AI-Agents…This post is a continuation of the blog “Understanding the Fundamental Limitations of Vector-Based Retrieval for Building LLM-Powered…Jun 15, 20234Jun 15, 20234
InTowards AIbyBenjamin MarieHigh-Speed Inference with llama.cpp and Vicuna on CPUYou don’t need a GPU for fast inferenceJun 14, 20233Jun 14, 20233
Cassie KozyrkovWhy would you want synthetic data?Is synthetic data the hot new thing or an act of desperation?Jul 21, 20234Jul 21, 20234
InLevel Up CodingbyRico FritzscheMicroservices: The Million-Dollar Mistake Your Company is MakingIn the middle of the last decade, as I was elbow-deep in code, tinkering with concepts like service discovery, a buzzword began to echo…Jul 11, 202339Jul 11, 202339
InTDS ArchivebyDavid HundleyAn Introduction to OpenAI Function CallingNo more unstructured data outputs; turn ChatGPT’s completions into structured JSON!Jul 9, 202314Jul 9, 202314
InTDS ArchivebyPatryk Miziuła, PhDHow You Should Validate Machine Learning ModelsLearn to build trust in your machine learning solutionsJul 21, 20238Jul 21, 20238
InEntrepreneurship HandbookbyGillian O'BrienSo, You Raised a Series A — Now What? I Interviewed 8+ Founders to Find OutThere’s no shortage of content out there targeted at founders who are in the process of fundraising for their startup. The advice is all…Jul 13, 20236Jul 13, 20236
Cassie KozyrkovWhy generative AI is a raw material, not a finished productThe new rhetoric around AI regulationMay 21, 202311May 21, 202311
InBetter ProgrammingbyRyan NguyenLlamaIndex: How to Use Index Correctlyand understanding what use case for what type of indexMay 15, 202310May 15, 202310
InTDS ArchivebyWalid AmamouHow to automate entity extraction from PDF using LLMsLeveraging zero-shot labelingJun 15, 20234Jun 15, 20234
LORYA 5 years+ tech lead said they shard a database to scale but then he failed to answer this questionNever talk about something you do not fully understand during an interviewApr 2, 202333Apr 2, 202333
InPinterest Engineering BlogbyPinterest EngineeringAnalyzing Time Series for Pinterest ObservabilityBrian Overstreet | Software Engineer, Observability; Humsheen Geo | Software Engineer, ObservabilityJul 18, 20231Jul 18, 20231
Benjamin MarieFine-tune a Chat Model on Your Data with QLoRaYour GPU is all you needJul 5, 20232Jul 5, 20232
FS NdzomgaBeyond Wrapping GPT: Unpacking the Value Proposition of AI StartupsIn the wake of the AI revolution, there has been an influx of new startups that revolve around leveraging this innovative technology to…Jul 16, 20231Jul 16, 20231
InLevel Up CodingbyGao Dalie (高達烈)Talk To Your CSV: How To Visualize Your Data With Langchain And StreamlitLarge model models (LLMS) have progressively grown powerful and competently. These models can be used for a wide array of applications…May 30, 202310May 30, 202310
InFlipkart Tech BlogbySachin JapateScaling TiDB To 1 Million QPSA Flipkart journeyJul 11, 20232Jul 11, 20232
InThirdAI BlogbyAnshuUnderstanding the Fundamental Limitations of Vector-Based Retrieval for Building LLM-Powered…This blog is the first in a series of posts explaining why the mainstream pipeline for deploying domain-specialized chatbots with large…Jun 6, 20236Jun 6, 20236
InBetter ProgrammingbyWenqi GlantzExploring Snowflake and Streamlit With LlamaIndex Text-to-SQLIntegrating LlamaIndex into Snowflake and StreamlitJul 19, 20231Jul 19, 20231